September 9th - 8:00 am
Make your own Man vs. Weeds Video... it's easy
All you need is a cell phone cam

Making a video is easy...even with bloopers

I believe God is challenging people across the world to share their testimonies on social media. We all have a testimony that someone can relate to (that is part of God’s purpose for creating you)…please don’t hide your lamp under a bowl…be courageous. Christ tells us in Luke 9:26 not to be ashamed of Him. We don’t care about the quality of the video (and neither does God) He is the one that will lead the people, that need to hear your testimony, to your video online. Just take it with your phone.
Here are the easy steps and ideas for you:
#1 – Pray and ask God what He wants you to share.
#2 – Have someone video you with a phone…short and to the point is best. It has been proven that more people will watch a video if it is 3 minutes or less. Also be sure that if you use a cell phone that you film horizontally.
#3 – Upload it to your facebook or youtube. Call, text or email me when you have the video ready. My number is 541-606-7274 email: rob@smucker.net
I can walk you through how to upload the video.
How to upload You Tube Channel or Facebook:
(These instructions are for an Iphone but they are very similar on an Android)
After you record your video on your phone, open it up. Before you hit play, look in the bottom left corner tap the icon that looks like a square box with an arrow pointing up.
Then tap on the YOUTUBE icon or the FACEBOOK icon. Facebook is the easiest (simpy hit post), but if you don't have or want a facebook account, proceed to the next step for uploading it to YOUTUBE.
clicking on the YouTube icon will bring up a screen that has “Publish Video” on the top
If you are already logged into a YouTube account that you have made then you can simply go to the next step. If not…follow instructions on how to set up a youtube account...it's free
Now just type in a Title and a Description. Then in the top right corner just tap the “Publish” button.
That’s it… when it tells you that you have successfully uploaded the video to either YouTube or your facebook account, please send me a text or email to let me know. Please send me the link, then we will review and publish it on the website. email: rob@smucker.net cell 541-606-7274